San-Ai USA is excited to introduce a brand-new way to market and develop your in-room fragrance type deodorizers for consumer usage in North America!
We believe non-woven materials can open totally new market niches. Initial product research shows very strong end user ratings, and price points will allow competitive positioning, with proprietary and patented processes to protect initial entry investments or easy adaptation to your existing liquid deodorizer delivery systems.
Whether you are designing a totally new product delivery system or for use with your existing Room Deodorizing Packaging; our Exclusive Non-Woven materials may be worth further consideration for future sales and marketing projects.
Fragrance Dispensing Systems...using Non-Woven Materials!
- Maximum Product Absorption and Excellent release capability of Fragrance solutions.
- Longer life, than any other absorbing product on the market, the excellent dispersing capacity, releases the fragrance liquids very gradually, over a longer duration of time, resulting in customer satisfaction.
- Slow and Regulated Product Disbursement Results in TOTAL Product Usage, no gleftoversh or gunused excessh product.
- Dry-Wick technology means 99% of liquid solution is absorbed, no waste!
- Adaptable to your existing packaging, no expensive retooling required.
- Many proven designs are now in use around the world.